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Why do I get an TypeError: filterTweetList() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given error?

I am currently trying to clean a csv of Twitter data as part of a pre-processing step. I currently get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 192, in <module>
    obj = TwitterApplication(root)
  File "", line 88, in __init__
    twitter = self.filterTweetList(df['text'])
TypeError: filterTweetList() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

I saw a similar question asked (TypeError: method() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given) with the main suggestion being to add "self" as the first argument yet I still end up with this error.

The error appears at twitterData = self.filterTweetList(df['text']).

My current code:

class MainApplication:

    def __init__(self, root):

        df = pd.read_csv("test.csv")

        if len(df) == 0:
            msg.showinfo('No Rows Selected')
            twitterData = self.filterTweetList(df['text'])

        print(twitterData[1]) # Call in first cleaned tweet

    # Functions for data cleaning

    def removePunc(myWord):
        """Function to remove punctuation from string inputs"""
        if myWord is None:
            return myWord
            return re.sub('[.:;()/!&-*@$,?^\d+]', '', myWord)

    def removeAscii(myWord):
        """Function to remove ascii from string input"""
        if myWord is None:
            return myWord
            return str(re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', '', myWord.decode('utf-8').strip()))

    def lemmatize(myWord):
        wnl = WordNetLemmatizer()
        """Function to lemmatize words"""
        if myWord is None:
            return myWord
            return str(wnl.lemmatize(myWord))

    def removeStopWords(myWord):
        """Function to remove stop words"""
        newStopWords = ['amp', 'rt', 'https', 'http']
        if myWord is None:
            return myWord
        if myWord not in str(stopwords.words('english')):
            return myWord

    def removeLinkUser(myWord):
        """Function to remove web addresses and twitter handles"""
        if not myWord.startswith('@') and not myWord.startswith('http'):
            return myWord

    def prepText(myWord):
        """Final text pre-processing function"""
        return myWord.removeStopWords(

    def filterTweetList(tweetList):
        """Remove stop words, lemmatize, and clean all tweets"""
        return [[tweetList.prepText(word) for word
                 in tweet.split()
                 if tweetList.prepText(word) is not None]
                for tweet in tweetList]


  • In python, every method within a class takes self at the first argument. So simply replace def removePunc(myWord) with def removePunc(self, myWord) and continue that for all of the methods within the class.