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RFC2822 datetime format to a usable datetime in SQL server

I am receiving a datetime in the following format:

Thu, 18 Mar 2021 10:37:31 +0000

If I'm correct this if RFC2822.

I can't figure out a way to convert this to a 'normal' datetime that would be used by SQl server. For example I want it to be:

2021-03-18 10:37:31
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mi:ss

I have tried things like CONVERT() and found a sketchy way by doing:

DECLARE @WeirdDate varchar(50) = 'Thu, 30 Jul 2015 20:00:00 +0000'
CONVERT(DATETIME, SUBSTRING(@WeirdDate, CHARINDEX(',', @WeirdDate) + 1, 20))

But none of it is working that well. Is there a way to convert this in a 'proper' way?


To clarify: The format should always be the same as the provided example. Including the day name.

I am not sure that it will always be the same timezone. I could be receiving it from a different timezone. This is something to consider.


  • You could achieve this with a "little" string manipulation is seems, and some style codes:

    DECLARE @YourDate varchar(50) = 'Thu, 30 Jul 2015 20:00:00 +0000'
    SELECT TRY_CONVERT(datetimeoffset(0),CONVERT(varchar(25),TRY_CONVERT(datetime2(0),STUFF(STUFF(@YourDate,1,5,''),21,6,''),106),126) + STUFF(RIGHT(@YourDate,5),4,0,':'));

    This will, however, fail if you're using a LOGIN with a language setting which isn't an English based one.

    If the value is always UTC, you can actually just use the "middle" TRY_CONVERT expression.