I need help of professionals at Apps script. I have the project implemented by web-app. I wrote script on server-part
var url = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s8l-8N8dI-GGJi_mmYs2f_88VBcnzWfv3YHgk1HvIh0/edit?usp=sharing";
var sprSRCH = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url);
let sheetSRCHSSCC = sprSRCH.getSheetByName("PUTAWAY_TO");
function GetQ(){
var QPLAN = sheetSRCHSSCC.getRange("M2:M").getValues().filter(String).length;
var myArray = sheetSRCHSSCC.getRange("O2:O" + (QPLAN + 1)).getValues();
var QFACT = 0;
for (i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
if (myArray[i] != "") {
QFACT += 1
I need to return values from this function to inputs:
<div class="input-field col s3">
<input disabled value="" id="PLAN" type="text" >
<label for="disabled">PLAN</label>
<div class="input-field col s3">
<input disabled value="" id="FACT" type="text" >
<label for="disabled">FACT</label>
I will be grateful for the help. I'm new at this))
If you are using Apps Script deploying Web App, I can see 2 possibilities :
1/ Get data at the loading of the page (and only at the loading) :
In code.gs :
function doGet() {
var tmp = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('page');
tmp.QFACT = "hello";
tmp.PLAN = "World!";
return tmp.evaluate();
In page.html :
<h5><?= QFACT ?></h5>
<h5><?= QPLAN ?></h5>
2/ If you need to refresh the data by click button, or something else, you will need to operate diffently :
Add a page-js.html to your project, and bind it at the end of your page.html
<h5 id="QFACT"></h5>
<h5 id="QPLAN"></h5>
<?!= include("page-js"); ?>
then in your page-js.html :
function refresh() {
function callback(e) {
document.getElementById('QPLAN').innerHTML = e.QPLAN;
document.getElementById('QFACT').innerHTML = e.QFACT;
and finally add the refresh() function in your code.gs :
function refresh() {
var obj = {};
obj.QPLAN = "QPLAN";
obj.QFACT = "QFACT";
return obj;