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How to delete the exclusions from Microsoft defender Win10?

I have problem deleting the following folders from the exclusions because my CPU is on 90% Usage because of these exclusions and I don't know when and why even they are on my list. I have updated windows yesterday and my CPU starts heating up... I scanned the PC and no threat detected. But suddenly I opened the exclusion list and found some garbage is in the list which is not able to delete while the Remove button is disabled. Is this a ransomware update attack or a malware attack on Microsoft server side which is providing vulnerable updates? Image


  • You can do 3 things to delete this.

    1: Check Log files of updates and read it what happened during update.

    2: Check in Registry if the above list is available in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions and manually delete them.

    3: If the above options didn't solve your Problem, I am sure your PC is hijacked. To solve it read carefully the next part.

    Reset Internet Explorer and delete all addons, Delete any new internet browser/Software you have installed after updating Windows and Search for this directory in the registry: HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\Microsoft\Security Center\UACDisableNotify - "1""1" -Hijack.Security.UACDisableNotify If you find this, Just Disconnect Internet, Boot safe Mode and delete all the threats in HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\Microsoft\Security Center\ You will find many of them.