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Groovy server page, creating a table

I have a situation where my domain has two fields such as

Class test{
   static constraints {
     opt(nullable:false, blank:false)

   Double testno
   String opt

The opt has option values such as 'test', 'try', and 'final'.

Now I need to create a table in .gsp file using the above info such that

         Test        Try       Final

The value for each opt is display as testNo in the row below.

I am not sure how to start here. I tried creating a table such that:

def column=[
['field': 'Try'],

However, how do I add row in the table? In addition, how can I use the table in a different gsp table given that

class Result(){ test(nullable:true) hasMany=[test:Test]}

I would like it to render the table.gsp in result.gsp


  • You need to send all your tests to the view in your controller:

    def showTests() {
        // your controller code
        [tests: Test.findAll()]

    Then, render the data using gsp tags in your view file (e.g. showTests.gsp):

         <g:each in="${tests}" var="t">
            <td>${t.opt == "test" ? "x" : ""}</td>
            <td>${t.opt == "try" ? "x" : ""}</td>
            <td>${t.opt == "final" ? "x" : ""}</td>

    This is just a very simple solution to your problem.

    Using it as a subresource

    If your Tests are contained in another resource like Result, you can access them in two ways.

    If you send your entire report to your view you can use:

    // controller
    def showResult() {
        // your controller code
        [result: Result.get(/*id...*/)]
    // showResult.gsp view, just change this line
    <g:each in="${result.tests}" var="t">

    Otherwise, if you want to send only tests to your existing view from the main example above:

    // controller
    def showTests() {
        // your controller code
        def result = Result.get(/*your id*/)
        [tests: result.tests]