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Configure a symfony database connection from ini file?

On the server I need to deploy my symfony 5.2.4 application, the database configuration is defined in an ini file for which the path is set as an environment variable.

The way I have done it right now is to run composer dump-env dev then in .env.local.php, add some code to load the inifile, parse it, then construct my database url and set DATABASE_URL to that value like that:

$inifile = parse_ini_file($_SERVER["DB_INI_PATH"]);
$databaseurl = 'mysql://'.$inifile["user"].':'.$inifile["password"].'@'.$inifile["host"].':'.$inifile["port"].'/'.$inifile["db"];

But this means that I have some code in this file that can't be versioned (because it also contains my APP_SECRET value), and anytime I need to redump my env, I will need to readd that custom code.

I have not found a proper place to add this ini file decoding process in my symfony app, so I am looking for any advice on the proper way to do that, in a way that would be versionable.


  • You can write your doctrine config in php and you will have access to environment variables. You can add your logic in "config/packages/prod/doctrine.php". The example in the docs shows how to set doctrine.dbal.url go here and click on the php tab for the example code: