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How to quick preview XamarinForms Controls or Pages with Visual Studio 16.9 or later? (Best way)

I used the Xamarin Forms Previewer to develop Xamarin Forms views (pages, controls). But unfortunately Microsoft removed the Xamarin Forms Previewer since update to Visual Studio version 16.9.

So what to use instead? The Xamarin Live Player also not available anymore. Of course I can start my app on my device and use the Hot Reload feature to see my Control in action, but that is not the quick way, because every time I have to navigate to the page and get the state I want to see performing my control.

I just want to get following:

  • Quick/simple visualization of my blank XAML - aware of design time and also supporting the XAML extension d:... (e.g. d:IsVisible="True").
  • Live visual changes while changing the XAML using Design-Time-ViewModel instance.
  • No need to connect my device or start an emulator.
  • All I want is a quick rendered preview of current view.

Do I really have to create an additional project with a simple activity only bootstrapping my current page to edit?


  • There is no announcement for Xamarin Previewer which would be implemented again recently.At this time you just could use Live Visual Tree,refer to

    or rolls back the Visual Studio version.