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How do I use the Object Detection API to evaulate an own custom model? What do I write into the config files?

I have a custom object detection model that I can call with model = MyModel() and model.loadweights(checkpoint) and I want to evaluate it using the Object Detection API.

From what I understood there are two possibilities, either I use the legacy, there I don't know, what to put into the pipeline_config file

Or I use the newer version that is implemented in, but there I would have to save my model as model.config and I don't know what to put the pipeline file either.

Since my model is a YOLO model, it is not included in the sample once yet.

Would really appreciate the help!


  • You can't calculate the mAP using the Object Detection API because there's no pipeline.config file for Yolo.

    However, you can check this repo out. It's a Tensorflow based implementation of YoloV3. They have working code for calculating mAP. You can modify this accordingly to calculate the mAP of your model.