I am using a online dataset for global life expectancy and I am trying to find the max and min number in the life_expectancy column.
Here is the dataset: https://ourworldindata.org/spanish-flu-largest-influenza-pandemic-in-history
This is what I have after trying math equations and max() and min() as suggested in other posts.
with open('data/life-expectancy.csv') as life_expectancy:
for data in life_expectancy:
clean_data = data.strip()
split_data = clean_data.split(',')
entity = split_data[0]
code = split_data[1]
year = split_data[2]
expectancy = float(split_data[3])
print(f'The overall max life expectancy is: {max(split_data[3])}')
print(f'The overall min life expectancy is: {min(split_data[3])}')
What else should I add to actually get proper results?
Current Output:
The overall max life expectancy is: 9
The overall min life expectancy is: .
You are not doing anything with the data you are iterating over.
When you have your data stored in a list, we can use min
and max
on the dataset. Using a key and lambda
we can ensure our result includes all relevant data instead of just storing the maximum value.
with open('life-expectancy.csv') as life_expectancy:
## Create an empty list
output = []
for data in life_expectancy:
clean_data = data.strip()
split_data = clean_data.split(',')
entity = split_data[0]
code = split_data[1]
year = split_data[2]
expectancy = float(split_data[3])
## Append to the list
output.append([entity, code, year, expectancy])
max_life = max(output, key=lambda x: x[3])
min_life = min(output, key=lambda x: x[3])
#['Monaco', 'MCO', '2019', 86.751]
#['Iceland', 'ISL', '1882', 17.76]
print(f'The overall max life expectancy is {max_life[3]} in {max_life[0]}')
print(f'The overall min life expectancy is {min_life[3]} in {min_life[0]}')
#The overall max life expectancy is 86.751 in Monaco
#The overall min life expectancy is 17.76 in Iceland
To improve readability, you can store the data as a list of `dicts by modifying the following lines
output.append({'entity': entity, 'code': code, 'year': year, 'expectancy': expectancy})
max_life = max(output, key=lambda x: x['expectancy'])
min_life = min(output, key=lambda x: x['expectancy'])
print(f'The overall max life expectancy is {max_life["expectancy"]} in {max_life["entity"]}')
print(f'The overall min life expectancy is {min_life["expectancy"]} in {min_life["entity"]}')