Problem Context:
I have an AWS Kinesis Firehose delivery stream setup.
I also have an S3 bucket setup.
Within my S3 bucket I have a folder, lets call it: "folderX/".
Currently, it just sends it to a premade folder labeled "2021/" because the default scheme is to send to a folder corresponding to the current date/time.
Question: I want my Firehose delivery stream to send files into that specific folder. How do I do that?
Backup S3 bucket prefix
in S3 Destination configuration is the spot to set a prefix.
From the Documentation for Backup S3 bucket prefix:
To use the default prefix for Amazon S3 objects, leave this option blank. Kinesis Data Firehose automatically uses a prefix in "YYYY/MM/dd/HH" UTC time format for delivered Amazon S3 objects. You can add to the start of this prefix
Couple more examples:
To get folderX/2021/3/17
we can use folderX/!{timestamp:YYYY}/!{timestamp:MM}/!{timestamp:dd}/
To get folderX/year=2021/month=3/day=17/hour=5/
we can use folderX/year=!{timestamp:YYYY}/month=!{timestamp:MM}/day=!{timestamp:dd}/hour=!{timestamp:HH}/