I'm trying to convert Array(double) to varchar in Presto. A sample value: [99.0,98.0,99.0,95.0,99.0,88.0,90.0,79.0,90.0,56.0,90.0,90.0,92.0,90.0,93.0,99.0]
I tried the cast function below:
cast(colname as varchar)
But got this error message: "Cannot cast array(double) to varchar"
Any ideas how to convert this array to varchar. Thanks
You can use array_join
array_join(x, delimiter, null_replacement)
Concatenates the elements of the given array using the delimiter and an optional string to replace nulls.
SELECT array_join(ARRAY [1, 2], ', ') -- 1, 2
Or cast to json and use json_format
SELECT json_format(cast(ARRAY [1, 2] as json)) -- [1,2]