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Roberts Operator just makes the image brighter

I posted another question about the Roberts operator, but I decided to post a new one since my code has changed significantly since that time.

My code runs, but it does not generate the correct image, instead the image becomes slightly brighter.

I have not found a mistake in the algorithm, but I know this is not the correct output. If I compare this program's output to edge(<image matrix>,'roberts',<threshold>);, or to images on wikipedia, it looks nothing like the effect of the roberts operator shown there.


function [] = Robertize(filename)

Img = imread(filename);
NewImg = Img;

SI = size(Img);

I_W = SI(2)
I_H = SI(1) 

Robertsx = [1,0;0,-1];
Robertsy = [0,-1;1,0];

M_W = 2; % do not need the + 1, I assume the for loop means while <less than or equal to>

% x and y are reversed... 

    for y=1 : I_H
        for x=1 : I_W 

            S = 0;

            for M_Y = 1 : M_W
                for M_X = 1 : M_W

                    if (x + M_X - 1  < 1) || (x + M_X - 1 > I_W)
                       S = 0;      
                       %disp('out of range, x');


                    if (y + M_Y - 1  < 1) || (y + M_Y - 1 > I_H)
                       S = 0; 
                       %disp('out of range, y');


                   S = S + Img(y + M_Y - 1 , x + M_X - 1) * Robertsx(M_Y,M_X);
                   S = S + Img(y + M_Y - 1, x + M_X - 1) * Robertsy(M_Y,M_X);

               % It is y + M_Y - 1 because you multiply Robertsx(1,1) *
               % Img(y,x).



            NewImg(y,x) = S;




  • I think you may be misinterpreting how the Roberts Cross operator works. Use this page as a guide. Notice that it states that you convolve the original image separately with the X and Y operator. Then, you may calculate the final gradient (i.e. "total edge content") value by taking the square root of the sum of squares of the two (x and y) gradient values for a particular pixel. You're presently summing the x and y values into a single image, which will not give the correct results.


    I'll try to explain a bit better. The problem with summation instead of squaring/square root is that you can end up with negative values. Negative values are natural using this operator depending on the edge orientation. That may be why you think the image 'lightens' -- because when you display the image in MATLAB the negative values go to black, the zero values go to grey, and the positive values go to white. Here's the image I get when I run your code (with a few changes -- mostly setting NewImg to be zeros(size(Img)) so it's a double type instead of uint8. uint8 types don't allow negative values... Here's the image I get:Resulting image.

    You have to be very careful when trying to save files as well. Instead of calling imwrite, call imshow(NewImg,[]). That will automatically rescale the values in the double-valued image to show them correctly, with the most negative number being equal to black and most positive equal to white. Thus, in areas with little edge content (like the sky), we would expect grey and that's what we get!