I have a column in my data frame that contains lists of values.
[marvel, comics, comic, books, nerdy]
[new, snapchat, version, snap, inc]
[new, york, times, ny, times, nyt, times]
[today, show, today, show, today]
[mark, wahlberg, marky, mark]
I don't know how to remove this [none] list from the data frame. I tried,
us_videos = us_videos.drop(us_videos.index[us_videos.tags == 'none'])
But this only working when I turn the column into string. How to achieve this?
OP wanted to remove 'none'
from sub-lists and remove rows with only 'none'
us_videos.tags.explode().pipe(lambda s: s[s != 'none']).groupby(level=0).agg(list)
0 [marvel, comics, comic, books, nerdy]
1 [new, snapchat, version, snap, inc]
3 [new, york, times, ny, times, nyt, times]
4 [today, show, today, show, today]
6 [mark, wahlberg, marky, mark]
Name: tags, dtype: object
A more pythonic way
dat = {}
for k, v in us_videos.tags.iteritems():
for x in v:
if x != 'none':
dat.setdefault(k, []).append(x)
pd.Series(dat, name='tags')
0 [marvel, comics, comic, books, nerdy]
1 [new, snapchat, version, snap, inc]
3 [new, york, times, ny, times, nyt, times]
4 [today, show, today, show, today]
6 [mark, wahlberg, marky, mark]
Name: tags, dtype: object
With assignment expressions in a comprehension
k: X for k, v in us_videos.tags.iteritems()
if (X:=[*filter('none'.__ne__, v)])
}, name='tags')
0 [marvel, comics, comic, books, nerdy]
1 [new, snapchat, version, snap, inc]
3 [new, york, times, ny, times, nyt, times]
4 [today, show, today, show, today]
6 [mark, wahlberg, marky, mark]
Name: tags, dtype: object
0 [marvel, comics, comic, books, nerdy]
1 [new, snapchat, version, snap, inc]
3 [new, york, times, ny, times, nyt, times]
4 [today, show, today, show, today]
6 [mark, wahlberg, marky, mark]
0 [marvel, comics, comic, books, nerdy]
1 [new, snapchat, version, snap, inc]
3 [new, york, times, ny, times, nyt, times]
4 [today, show, today, show, today]
6 [mark, wahlberg, marky, mark]