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Mongoose Aggregation to array of arrays

I have a document structure like this:

  readings: [
    { t: 'temperature', r: 130 },
    { t: 'humidity', r: 100 }
  created_at: '2021-01-05T10:28:49.070Z'
  readings: [
    { t: 'temperature', r: 123 },
    { t: 'humidity', r: 456 }
  created_at: '2021-01-05T10:32:50.727Z'

I need to aggregate the documents for a particular reading type. For example, the result of aggregation for reading type with temperature should be like following:

  [130, '2021-01-05T10:28:49.070Z'],
  [123, '2021-01-05T10:32:50.727Z']

How can I do this with an aggregation pipeline or something?


  • You can't output an array of arrays from an aggregate pipe. But you can output an object with a single array field. Ie:

      {data: [130, '2021-01-05T10:28:49.070Z']},
      {data: [123, '2021-01-05T10:32:50.727Z']}

    Here's a pipe that does just that

    let result = await collection.aggregate([
        {$unwind: '$readings'},
        {$match: {
          'readings.t': 'temperature'
        {"$project": {
            _id: 0,
            data: ['$readings.r', '$created_at']

    Then to reach your desired format just map the output

    let formattedResult ={data}) => data)