Search code examples

Delete Duplicate using SPARK SQL

The following code works fine in the Databricks Spark SQL

with CTE1 as
 select *,
        row_number()over(Partition by ID order by Name) as r
 from Emp
select * from CTE1 where r>1

But for the DELETE statement:

with CTE1 as
 select *,
        row_number()over(Partition by ID order by Name) as r
 from Emp

DELETE from CTE1 where r>1

there is an Error in SQL statement :

Analysis exception: Table Not found Emp


  • The syntax you want is only available in SQL Server. Assuming that Name is unique and not NULL, you can use an alternative method such as this:

    delete from emp
        where name > (select min(
                      from emp emp2
                      where =

    Otherwise, use the table's primary key for the comparison.