We have the golang code below to get a Shared Access Signature from Azure. It works but the sas that is printed has some fields, the "date fields", incorrectly urlencoded.
conStr := ConvertPulumiStringToString(account.PrimaryConnectionString)
httpsOnly := true
now := time.Now()
sas, err := storage.GetAccountBlobContainerSAS(ctx, &storage.GetAccountBlobContainerSASArgs{
ConnectionString: <-conStr,
ContainerName: "container",
Expiry: now.AddDate(10, 0, 0).Format(time.RFC3339),
HttpsOnly: &httpsOnly,
Permissions: storage.GetAccountBlobContainerSASPermissions{
Add: false,
Create: false,
Delete: false,
List: true,
Read: true,
Write: false,
Start: now.Format(time.RFC3339),
We get this st=2021-03-16T10%3A58%3A24%2B01%3A00
We expected this format st=2021-03-16T10:16:30Z
I have tried looking at the pulumi documentation but it's very limited.
Any help is appreciated.
The problem was that when using RFC3339 the timezone needs to be UTC to work with Azure and pulumi.
conStr := ConvertPulumiStringToString(account.PrimaryConnectionString)
httpsOnly := true
now := time.Now().UTC()
sas, err := storage.GetAccountBlobContainerSAS(ctx, &storage.GetAccountBlobContainerSASArgs{
ConnectionString: <-conStr,
ContainerName: "container",
Expiry: now.AddDate(10, 0, 0).Format(time.RFC3339),
HttpsOnly: &httpsOnly,
Permissions: storage.GetAccountBlobContainerSASPermissions{
Add: false,
Create: false,
Delete: false,
List: true,
Read: true,
Write: false,
Start: now.Format(time.RFC3339),