I'm trying to upload an object to S3. S3 needs the object in InputStream. But the fields in this object are not serializable and cannot be directly converted into InputStream.
So I thought of converting each field in the object to InputStream and then either append these into one InputStream or add them to a container object.
But the problem with the first approach is I don't know how I can divide the combined stream into individual streams.
And in the second approach I'm not aware of any container InputStream object.
Is there a simpler way to handle this ?
I'm a beginner in java and any help would be appreciated.
Edit :
Saw the post suggested by @magicmn and also referred to this post.
My container class:
public class ContainerClass implements Serializable {
private String someString;
private String someOtherString;
private transient NonSerializableObject1 object1;
private transient List<NonSerializableObject2> object2;
private transient NonSerializableObject3 object13;
The problem in my case is there is a way to convert the 3 Non Serializable Objects into byte[].
So I can do something like this in the writeObject :
private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream) throws IOException {
But I'm confused as to how I can implement the readObject(). I'm not able to figure out a way where in I can split the InputStream to obtain the 3 byte arrays which I added in the writeObject().
This is how I solved this. It might not be an ideal solution but its working for now.
public class ContainerClass implements Serializable {
private String someString;
private String someOtherString;
private transient NonSerializableObject1 object1;
private transient List<NonSerializableObject2> object2;
private transient NonSerializableObject3 object3;
private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream) throws IOException {
private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream objectInputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
this.NonSerializableObject1 = (NonSerializableObject1) someMethodToConvertByteArrayToObject((byte[]) objectInputStream.readObject());
this.NonSerializableObject2 = (NonSerializableObject1) someMethodToConvertByteArrayToObject((byte[]) objectInputStream.readObject());
this.NonSerializableObject3 = (NonSerializableObject1) someMethodToConvertByteArrayToObject((byte[]) objectInputStream.readObject());
Note that the order of writing and reading the objects must be same.