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Get Order Metrics using Amazon Selling Partner API

I am trying to make an API call to get order metrics from the amazon seller central page from Postman App. I have followed all the steps in the documentation. I self authorized my app using the refresh token found on the Developer Central page. I am able to generate the access token using the refresh token. When making a request to the api to get order metrics, the query parameters are : marketplaceIds : A21TJRUUN4KGV (India) interval : 2021-01-01T00:00:00-07:00--2021-09-04T00:00:00-07:00 granularity : Day

The AWS signature for this request has my access key and secret key derived from when I created the IAM User. The region is eu-west-1 and service name is execute-api.

In the headers I have passed x-amz-access-token: Atza|IwExxxxxxx user agent:PostmanRuntime/7.26.8 Host: x-amz-date : calculated when request is sent

After sending the request I get this response:

    "errors": [
            "message": "Access to requested resource is denied.",
            "code": "Unauthorized",
            "details": ""

403 Forbidden: Request is legal but server is refusing to respond. Authenticating will make no difference.

I have logged case with Seller Central support but it has been over a month and they haven't replied. Please tell me what should I add or remove or check to make this request work.



    Following this gave me temporary access token, access secret key and session token. Using that in the AWS signature for getting orders gave the desired output.