Hi currently getting the above error when trying to restore or update packages via Nuget on VS2019 16.8.2.
The project was built on anothe rmachine then moved to a new machice, and im guessing its a permissions over the file issue, however, i have given full access to the files and still recive the error?
Any ideas, i have searched a lot on the topic but cant find anything that sorts the issue out?
Try these:
1) make sure that your OS account can access your solution folder
2) clean all nuget caches or delete all cache files under C:\Users\xxx\.nuget\packages
3) Close VS Instance, delete the packages
folder under your solution folder
4) run VS as Administrator and then reopen your project. run update-package -reinstall
under Tools-->Nuget Package Manager--> Package Manager Console
Then, rebuild your project again.