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Relative Strength Index

I'm trying to calculate the relative strength index, RSI, for a financial instrument. When I compare my calculation with one done by a commercial software, they don't look the same. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help?
The RSI formula:

{100} - (100/(1+RS)). Where RS is AvgGain(N periods)/AvgLoss( N periods)

public DataTable RSI(string instrument, int period, string oper, int entryVal)

 DataTable dtRSI = new DataTable();      //table to return

    //Load Datatable from database
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    dt = conn.ExtractDataFromDb(instrument);       

    int column = 1; //Close price

    //variables to RSI formula
    Queue<float> avgUp = new Queue<float>();
    Queue<float> avgDown = new Queue<float>();
    float close1, close2, rsi, rs;
    float avgUp1, avgUp2, newAvgUp, avgDown1, avgDown2, newAvgDown;

    string[] dateCloseRsi = new string[3];      //row of data to insert into new table
    string date;                                //date of calculation
    string[] splitDate = new string[2];

    //get first close
    close1 = float.Parse(dt.Rows[0][column].ToString());

    //get close for number of periods into the que-list
    for (int i = 1; i <= period; i++)
        close2 = float.Parse(dt.Rows[0][column].ToString());

        //are todays close higher then yesterday?
        if (close2 > close1)
            avgUp.Enqueue(close2 - close1);
        else if (close2<close1)
            avgDown.Enqueue(close1 - close2);

        close1 = close2;


    //iterate datatable and calculate RSI
    foreach (DataRow rows in dt.Rows)

        avgUp1 = float.Parse(avgUp.Average().ToString("n2"));       //calculate yesterdays avg difference on up days
        avgDown1 = float.Parse(avgDown.Average().ToString("n2"));   //calculate yesterdays avg difference on down days

        close2 = float.Parse(rows[column].ToString()); //todays close 
        //close today higher then yesterday?
        if (close2 > close1)
            avgUp.Enqueue(close2 - close1);
        else if (close2 < close1)
            avgDown.Enqueue(close1 - close2);

        avgUp2 = float.Parse(avgUp.Average().ToString("n2"));           //todays avg difference on up days
        avgDown2 = float.Parse(avgDown.Average().ToString("n2"));       //todays avg difference on down days
        newAvgUp = ((avgUp1 * (period - 1)) + avgUp2) / period;         //yesterdays and todays avg diff value on up days
        newAvgDown = ((avgDown1 * (period - 1)) + avgDown2) / period;   //yesterdays and todays avg diff value on down days
        newAvgUp = float.Parse(newAvgUp.ToString("n2"));                //round to 2 decimals
        newAvgDown = float.Parse(newAvgDown.ToString("n2"));            //round to 2 decimals

        rs = newAvgUp / newAvgDown;                 //calc Relative Strength
        rs = float.Parse(rs.ToString("n2"));        //round to 2 decimals
        rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs));               //Calc RSI
        rsi = float.Parse(rsi.ToString("n2"));      //round to 2 decimals

        close1 = close2;                            //todays close become yesterdays close for tomorrow

        //remove time from date
        date = rows[0].ToString();
        splitDate = date.Split(' ');
        date = splitDate[0];

        //add data to dtRSI
        DataRow rsiRow = dtRSI.NewRow();
        rsiRow["Date"] = date;
        rsiRow["Instrument"] = instrument;
        rsiRow["Close"] = rows[column];
        rsiRow["RSI"] = rsi;

        return dtRSI;               //returns a table with Date, Instrument, Close Price and RSI



  • Hello, here's a tested and verified C# class which generates RSI values with 100% accuracy:

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Globalization;
    namespace YourNameSpace
       class PriceEngine
            public static DataTable data;
            public static double[] positiveChanges;
            public static double[] negativeChanges;
            public static double[] averageGain;
            public static double[] averageLoss;
            public static double[] rsi;
            public static double CalculateDifference(double current_price, double previous_price)
                  return current_price - previous_price;
            public static double CalculatePositiveChange(double difference)
                  return difference > 0 ? difference : 0;
            public static double CalculateNegativeChange(double difference)
                  return difference < 0 ? difference * -1 : 0;
            public static void CalculateRSI(int rsi_period, int price_index = 5)
                  for(int i = 0; i <; i++)
                      double current_difference = 0.0;
                      if (i > 0)
                          double previous_close = Convert.ToDouble([i-1].Field<string>(price_index));
                          double current_close = Convert.ToDouble([i].Field<string>(price_index));
                          current_difference = CalculateDifference(current_close, previous_close);
                      PriceEngine.positiveChanges[i] = CalculatePositiveChange(current_difference);
                      PriceEngine.negativeChanges[i] = CalculateNegativeChange(current_difference);
                      if(i == Math.Max(1,rsi_period))
                          double gain_sum = 0.0;
                          double loss_sum = 0.0;
                          for(int x = Math.Max(1,rsi_period); x > 0; x--)
                              gain_sum += PriceEngine.positiveChanges[x];
                              loss_sum += PriceEngine.negativeChanges[x];
                          PriceEngine.averageGain[i] = gain_sum / Math.Max(1,rsi_period);
                          PriceEngine.averageLoss[i] = loss_sum / Math.Max(1,rsi_period);
                      }else if (i > Math.Max(1,rsi_period))
                          PriceEngine.averageGain[i] = ( PriceEngine.averageGain[i-1]*(rsi_period-1) + PriceEngine.positiveChanges[i]) / Math.Max(1, rsi_period);
                          PriceEngine.averageLoss[i] = ( PriceEngine.averageLoss[i-1]*(rsi_period-1) + PriceEngine.negativeChanges[i]) / Math.Max(1, rsi_period);
                          PriceEngine.rsi[i] = PriceEngine.averageLoss[i] == 0 ? 100 : PriceEngine.averageGain[i] == 0 ? 0 : Math.Round(100 - (100 / (1 + PriceEngine.averageGain[i] / PriceEngine.averageLoss[i])), 5);
            public static void Launch()
       = new DataTable();            
                //load {date, time, open, high, low, close} values in (6th column (index #5) = close price) here
                positiveChanges = new double[];
                negativeChanges = new double[];
                averageGain = new double[];
                averageLoss = new double[];
                rsi = new double[];

    For detailed step-by-step instructions, I wrote a lengthy article, you can check it here:

    P.S. You need global variables to store prevous values, this is not an option for indicators like RSI, simple function work only for simple indicators like Simple Moving Average. All smoothed / Weighted indicators need buffers / global arrays to store data.