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Sending ListBlog response in unary streaming

I am trying to return list of items from grpc without streaimg API and not finding any solution or example , I know we use this kind of proto file when using streaming

message ListBlogResponse {
    Blog blog = 1;

and then Blog

message Blog {
    string id = 1;
    string author_id = 2;
    string title = 3;
    string content = 4;

but I want to send response once without using any streaming some thing like this :

return &api.ListBlogResponse{
        Blog: items,
    }, nil

what will be the protofile for this ?


  • You need a message containing multiple blogs:

    message BlogEntries {
       repeated Blog blog = 1;

    Then you can return:

    return &BlogEntries{Blog:entries},nil