I am using C# mongodb driver to update record in mongodb. Below code works fine for me but it's automatically converting all occurrences of "id" to "_id".
var client = GetMongoClient();
var collection1 = GetMongoCollection("collection1");
var collection2 = GetMongoCollection("collection2");
using (var session = await client.StartSessionAsync())
var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("_id", projectInfo._Id);
BsonDocument projectInfoBD = projectInfo.ToBsonDocument();
var recordAfterUpdate = await collection1.ReplaceOneAsync(session, filter, projectInfoBD);
catch (Exception ex)
await session.AbortTransactionAsync();
return false;
My C# classes
public class ProjectInfo
public string _Id { get; set; } //This is primary key which unique for project info
public ProjectBasicDetail BasicDetails { get; set; }
public class ProjectBasicDetail
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public Option Status { get; set; }
public TextOption CreatedBy { get; set; }
public class TextOption
public string Id { get; set; } //don't want to convert to "_id"
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Option
public int Id { get; set; } //don't want to convert to "_id"
public string Name { get; set; }
After updating record I am expecting updated record to look like this
"_id": "kjsldfkjlsdkfjsd",
"basicDetails": {
"name": "test name",
"description": "test desc",
"status": {
"id": 11,
"name": "processing"
"createdBy": {
"id": "123",
"name": "some user"
but it saved like below one. It's converting all occurrences of "id" to "_id" which I don't want
"_id": "kjsldfkjlsdkfjsd", //This is ok
"basicDetails": {
"name": "test name",
"description": "test desc",
"status": {
"_id": 11, //This should be "id"
"name": "processing"
"createdBy": {
"_id": "123", //This should be "id"
"name": "some user"
Thanks in advance...
Property name with Id
is locked to rename to _id
on Mongo side.
You have 2 options. Call it something other on C# side, like IdStr
public class TextOption
public string IdStr { get; set; } //don't want to convert to "_id"
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Option
public int IdStr { get; set; } //don't want to convert to "_id"
public string Name { get; set; }
Or tweak with the base mapping>
var client = new MongoClient();
var database = client.GetDatabase("test");
var collection = database.GetCollection<ProjectInfo>("projects");
BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<TextOption>(cm =>
cm.UnmapProperty(c => c.Id);
cm.MapMember(c => c.Id)
.SetOrder(0) //specific to your needs
.SetIsRequired(true); // again specific to your needs
BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<Option>(cm =>
cm.UnmapProperty(c => c.Id);
cm.MapMember(c => c.Id)
.SetOrder(0) //specific to your needs
.SetIsRequired(true); // again specific to your needs
using (var session = await client.StartSessionAsync())
await collection.InsertOneAsync(session,
new ProjectInfo
_Id = "604b5fa389ff6887d1b91a91",
BasicDetails = new ProjectBasicDetail
CreatedBy = new TextOption { Id = "604b5fa389ff6887d1b91a93", Name = "a" },
Description = "b",
Name = "c",
Status = new Option { Id = 123, Name = "status name" }
also add the [BsonId]
to your ProjectInfo
class, so it's not duplicated, and have string
public class ProjectInfo
public string _Id { get; set; } //This is primary key which unique for project info
public ProjectBasicDetail BasicDetails { get; set; }