I use Angular 10 and library ngrx store and I don't understand how to recursively delete from ngrx store. In the store I have a nested array of objects. How do I recursively delete an object by id? When I try to delete using splice and function I got an error:
Cannot assign to read only property '0' of object '[object Array]'
What am I doing wrong?
Data Example:
"id": 414,
"name": "mail.ru",
"is_main": true,
"subdomains": [
"id": 423,
"name": "en.mail.ru",
"is_main": false,
"subdomains": [
"id": 429,
"name": "gw.mail1.ru",
"is_main": false,
"subdomains": [
"id": 426,
"name": "gw.mail3.ru",
"is_main": false,
"subdomains": []
"id": 425,
"name": "gw.mail.ru",
"is_main": false,
"subdomains": []
Store reducer:
case UserInfoActionTypes.UPDATE_DOMAINS_LIST: {
return {
domainsInfo: deleteItems(state.domainsInfo, [parseInt(action.payload.id, 10)]),
errorMessage: null
My Recursive function:
export function deleteItems(array, ids) {
let i = array.length;
while (i--) {
if (ids.indexOf(array[i].id) !== -1) {
array.splice(i, 1);
array[i].subdomains && deleteItems(array[i].subdomains, ids);
return array;
So basically you need to create new objects for everything in state, deleteItems()
could look like this:
export function deleteItems(array, ids) {
let result = [];
for(item of array) {
if (!ids.includes(item.id)) {
subdomains: deleteItems(item.subdomains, ids),
return result;
I'm not too familiar with ngrx, maybe I missed a detail.