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Kotlin Native Cocoapods plugin - how to specify Podspec source?

Now when generating podspec with Gradle I get

spec.source = { :git => "Not Published", :tag => "Cocoapods/#{}/#{spec.version}" }

How can I change :git and :tag here in Gradle in cocoapods?

cocoapods {
        // Configure fields required by CocoaPods.
        def projectName = project.getRootProject().getName()
        summary = projectName
        ios.deploymentTarget = "9.0"
        // set git source here?


  • There are no default options for this.

    If you want to change those fields content, you can follow the approach described

    For example, adding this code to your build.gradle.kts might do the trick:

    val podspec = tasks["podspec"] as PodspecTask
    podspec.doLast {
        val podspec = file("${"-", "_")}.podspec")
        val newPodspecContent = podspec.readLines().map {
            if (it.contains("spec.source")) "    spec.source = <some custom value>" else it
        podspec.writeText(newPodspecContent.joinToString(separator = "\n"))

    It interprets the podspec file as a text file and allows you to change it as you like to.