I want to change color of some candlestick on charts based on colors that come as a data from backend, Because I do some calculation in backend, and find some candles different than others. so how can I do that? here is a code in codepen that changes colors but by using condition related to price (Open,high,low,close) or index of candles but I want change color based on another data that calculated in backend and I send it by other data to front end.
series.columns.template.adapter.add("fill", (fill, target) => {
if (target.dataItem) {
return am4core.color("#000000");
else {
if(chart.data[target.dataItem.index].open > chart.data[target.dataItem.index].close){
return am4core.color("#00FF00");
}else {
return am4core.color("#FF0000");
for example assume that backend sends an value of "X" with other data(Open,high,low,close,date,X) and I want to change color of each candle based on that "X" value.
I found an answer:
if(chart.data[target.dataItem.index].x > y)
return am4core.color("blue");
if(chart.data[target.dataItem.index].open >chart.data[target.dataItem.index].close) return am4core.color("red");
else return am4core.color("green");