I am new to razor pages and obviously must be missing something, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to generate a link to a razor page that won't magically change and include optional route parameters - IF I'm on that page.
The issue I think stems from the link in question being in a nav menu that's always on the page - even when I'm on the page in question.
Specifically let's say my page is /Customer/Invoices. I've got a link in the menu that I've tried generating via the asp-page tag helper, Url.Page, etc. It works perfectly when I'm anywhere in the app, or even on the page in question, as long as I don't have any route parameters. If I access the page with a route parameter, then that menu link magically also has it.
To recap, if I browse to .../Customer/Invoices - the link is fine even when I'm on the page. If I browse to .../Customer/Invoices/123 - the link in the menu suddenly also has the 123 route parameter on the end.
I just want the static page url with no optional route parameter - regardless of whether or not I'm on the page in question with a route parameter. I have got to be missing something...
Any help would be appreciated.
Firstly,.net core tag helper will generate url with route parameters is by design.If you want to remove route parameters.Here are two solutions.
1.set empty route parameter in <a>
tag.Here is a demo:
@page "{id?}"
<a asp-page="Test" asp-route-id="1">link1</a>
<a asp-page="Test" asp-route-id="">link2</a>
2.use href to replace <a>
@page "{id?}"
<a asp-page="Test" asp-route-id="1">link1</a>
<a href="/Test1/Test">link2</a>