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Restoring files from the recycle bin in python

Is there any to restore files from the recycle bin in python?

Here's the code:

from send2trash import send2trash

file_name = "test.txt"

operation = input("Enter the operation to perform[delete/restore]: ")

if operation == "delete":
    print(f"Successfully deleted {file_name}")

    # Code to restore the file from recycle bin.

Here when I type "restore" in the input() function, I want to restore my deleted file from the recycle bin.

Is there any way to achieve this in python?

It would be great if anyone could help me out.


Thanks for the answer @Kenivia, but I am facing one small issue:

import winshell

r = list(winshell.recycle_bin())  # this lists the original path of all the all items in the recycling bin
file_name = "C:\\test\\Untitled_1.txt" # This file is located in the recycle bin

index = r.index(file_name) # to determine the index of your file


When I run this code, I get an error: ValueError: 'C:\\test\\Untitled_1.txt' is not in list. Can you please help me out?


  • It would depend on your operating system.


    it's as simple as moving it from the trash folder to the original path. The location of the trash folder differs from distro to distro, but this is where it typically is.

    There is a command line tool that you can use, or dig through the code to get some ideas.

    import subprocess as sp # here subprocess is just used to run the command, you can also use os.system but that is discouraged['mv','/home/USERNAME/.local/share/Trash/files/test.txt', '/ORIGINAL/PATH/')


    On macOS, you do the same thing as you do in Linux, except the trash path is ~/.Trash

    import subprocess as sp['mv','~/.Trash/test.txt', '/ORIGINAL/PATH/')

    Note that macOS stores information about the files at ~/.Trash/.DS_Store, where Linux stores them at /home/USERNAME/.local/share/Trash/info/. This can be useful if you don't know the original path of the files.


    you have to use winshell. See this article for more details

    import winshell 
    r = list(winshell.recycle_bin())  # this lists the original path of all the all items in the recycling bin
    index = r.index("C:\ORIGINAL\PATH\test.txt") # to determine the index of your file