I am new to CI and tried to add the following yaml to our project.
image: microsoft/dotnet:latest
- test
stage: test
- 'echo Stage - Test started'
- 'dotnet tool install dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool --tool-path tools'
- 'cd "./My Project"'
- 'dotnet test --settings:./Settings/CodeCoverage.runsettings --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage"'
- './tools/reportgenerator "-reports:./Tests/*/TestResults/*/coverage.cobertura.xml" "-targetdir:Reports_Coverage" -reportTypes:TextSummary'
- 'cat ./Reports_Coverage/Summary.txt'
- 'echo Stage - Test finished'
On the job I get the following output:
Running with gitlab-runner 13.7.0 (943fc252) on ***
Resolving secrets
Preparing the "kubernetes" executor
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-pipeline
Using Kubernetes executor with image microsoft/dotnet:latest ...
Preparing environment
Running on*** via ***...
Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/***/.git/
Created fresh repository.
Checking out 07e98444 as ***...
Skipping Git submodules setup
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
$ echo Stage - Test started
Stage - Test started
$ dotnet tool install dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool --tool-path tools
You can invoke the tool using the following command: reportgenerator
Tool 'dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool' (version '4.8.4') was successfully installed.
$ cd "./My Project"
$ dotnet test --settings:./Settings/CodeCoverage.runsettings --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage"
Running after_script
Running after script...
$ echo Stage - Test finished
Stage - Test finished
Cleaning up file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
I tinkered around a little bit and realized, that this minified yaml also fails:
image: microsoft/dotnet:latest
- test
stage: test
- 'cd "./My Project"'
- 'dotnet restore'
- 'dotnet test --no-restore'
This generates an equal output, except it stops at dotnet restore
I honestly don't know what to do, since this is the most minified version of a test I found.
Did I mess up something within the project, or is the problem within the GitLab Runner itself?
Project Version: .net Core App 3.1
Not a real solution, but I found the issue behind this. You can set the verbosity level of the dotnet test
command (documentation). While doing so, I found out that you obviously cannot run a WPF project within a Linux based GitLab Runner.