Suppose I have data stored in collection Teacher as:
"_id" : ObjectId("12312312"),
"_id" : ObjectId("sdf9991"),
"_id" : ObjectId("sas21"),
I want to find all the information of all the teachers belonging to class 1234.
For this I tried:
const TeacherDetails = await Teacher.find({ class_access: {1234:"head"} })
But it doesn't return anything. So how can I access nested json to get all the details?
If any one needs any further information do let me know.
As per solution provided by Mr. Arif const TeacherDetails = await Teacher.find({ "class_access.1234": "head" });
Support class value is not constant say I'm getting it from variable
const className = 1234
Now if I try, fetching className, it gives syntax error, I tried following syntax error for all of them
const TeacherDetails = await Teacher.find({ class_access.className: "head" });
const TeacherDetails = await Teacher.find({ class_access[className]: "head" });
const TeacherDetails = await Teacher.find({ 'class_access.+'${className}': "head" });
So how can we do it dynamically?
Since class_access
represent object which may have multiple keys, you should try like
You can use [variableName]
as key like following
method 1: Using string template
const className = 1234
const TeacherDetails = await Teacher.find({ [`class_access.${className }`]: "head" });
method 2: Using string concatenation
const className = 1234
const classAccess = 'class_access.' + className;
const TeacherDetails = await Teacher.find({ [classAccess] : "head" });