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How can I capture QKeySequence from QKeyEvent depending on current keyboard layout?

I need to do this for configuring my application. I have QLineEdit field with reimplemented keyPressEvent method.

QKeyEvent *ke = ...
QString txt;

if(ke->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)
    txt += "Ctrl+";
if(ke->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier)
    txt += "Alt+";
if(ke->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)
    txt += "Shift+";

if(ke->key() >= Qt::Key_0 && ke->key() <= Qt::Key_9)
    txt += ('0' + ke->key() - Qt::Key_0);
else if(ke->key() >= Qt::Key_A && ke->key() <= Qt::Key_Z)
    txt += ('A' + ke->key() - Qt::Key_A);

But this solution can create shortcuts only with english chars. For example when I use russian keyboard layout, this code will display the same sequence but with english char, placed on the same keyboard key.


  • What you might find very useful is the function QKeySequence().toString().

    The following is a part of a code that I use to capture User Defined Shortcuts. With some modifications it can do whatever you need in your project. Hope it helps (sorry for the crapped identation):

    if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress){ 
        QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event); 
        int keyInt = keyEvent->key(); 
        Qt::Key key = static_cast<Qt::Key>(keyInt); 
        if(key == Qt::Key_unknown){ 
            qDebug() << "Unknown key from a macro probably"; 
        // the user have clicked just and only the special keys Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Meta. 
        if(key == Qt::Key_Control || 
            key == Qt::Key_Shift || 
            key == Qt::Key_Alt || 
            key == Qt::Key_Meta)
            qDebug() << "Single click of special key: Ctrl, Shift, Alt or Meta"; 
            qDebug() << "New KeySequence:" << QKeySequence(keyInt).toString(QKeySequence::NativeText); 
        // check for a combination of user clicks 
        Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = keyEvent->modifiers(); 
        QString keyText = keyEvent->text(); 
        // if the keyText is empty than it's a special key like F1, F5, ... 
        qDebug() << "Pressed Key:" << keyText; 
        QList<Qt::Key> modifiersList; 
        if(modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) 
            keyInt += Qt::SHIFT; 
        if(modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) 
            keyInt += Qt::CTRL; 
        if(modifiers & Qt::AltModifier) 
            keyInt += Qt::ALT; 
        if(modifiers & Qt::MetaModifier) 
            keyInt += Qt::META; 
        qDebug() << "New KeySequence:" << QKeySequence(keyInt).toString(QKeySequence::NativeText); 