I'm compiling an acronyms/abbreviations table for a document. Beyond a simple acronym finder, I would like to find special acronyms that aren't entirely conventional.
Generally I can find acronyms by using <[A-Z]{2,}>
in an advanced search. This captures any whole word that is comprised solely of uppercase letters. But I have acronyms that take on other forms too. Beyond an acronym being in the form ABC
I have acronyms in this document of other forms.
Generic form, 2 or more uppercase letters
1 or more letters preceding and following &
1 letter in parentheses following 2 or more letters (this only appears twice, so I'm not too worried about it.)
1 or more letters both preceding and following /
2 or more letters followed by a hyphen and 1 or 2 numbers. This only appears once, so I'm not really worried about it.
In my efforts to create an acronym finder, I've developed this specialized search.
Trying to translate this, I see that this is searching for 1 or more uppercase letters preceding 0 or more of &
or /
followed by 1 or more uppercase letters. In theory this should find forms 1,2, and 4, but in reality it only finds forms 2 and 4, and not 1. (I'm not as much worried about form 3 as I am form 1, 2, and 4.) I'm stumped at what I need to change. I've tried doing an OR |
statement to find one or more form, but Microsoft Word's 'regex' options are different (or appear to be different) from what I generally use.
In summary, my question is what form should my special acronym finder be to find forms 1, 2, and 4 in the table above?
You can use a wildcard Find, where:
Find = <[A-Z][A-Z0-9&\(\)/-]{1,}
Beyond that, for identifying acronyms in parentheses and the text to which they refer, see: https://www.msofficeforums.com/word-vba/42313-acronym-definiton-list-generator.html
See also: https://www.msofficeforums.com/word-vba/19395-acronym-finder-macro-microsoft-word.html