commit = repo.get_commit(sha="0adf369fda5c2d4231881d66e3bc0bd12fb86c9a")
i = commit.files[0].filename
I can get the filename, even the file sha; but can't seem to get loc of the file. Any pointers?
So let's see this line
commit = repo.get_commit(sha="0adf369fda5c2d4231881d66e3bc0bd12fb86c9a")
Here the commit
is of type github.Commit.Commit
Now when you pick a file, it's of the type github.File.File
If you checked that, you'll see that there is no real way of getting lines of code directly. But there is one important field raw_url
This will give you the raw_url
of the file, which you can now get, perhaps like
url = commit.files[0].raw_url
r = requests.get(url)
This will give you the raw data of the file and you can use it to get the number of lines of code.