I know it is possible to create numpy arrays using the Linspace function. For example, given a range [x,y] I can make a vector of z elements equally distanced in [x,y]
v = np.linspace(x, y, z, retstep=True)
What if one needs more dimensions? Is it possible to use the same function to generate a 3x4 array? I tried by creating simple arrays and then merge them, but I don't think that is an efficient way to do that
You can use arrays for start and stop point of linspace:
x=np.linspace((0,0,0), (3,5,14), 4, axis=1)
This will give the output:
[[ 0. 1. 2. 3. ]
[ 0. 1.66666667 3.33333333 5. ]
[ 0. 4.66666667 9.33333333 14. ]]