I need to calculate a penalized cumulative sum.
Individuals "A", "B" and "C" were supposed to get tested every other year. Every time they get tested, they accumulate 1 point. However, when they miss a test, their cumulative score gets deducted in 1.
I have the following code:
data.frame(year = rep(1990:1995, 3), person.id = c(rep("A", 6), rep("B", 6), rep("C", 6)), needs.testing = rep(c("Yes", "No"), 9), test.compliance = c(c(1,0,1,0,1,0), c(1,0,1,0,0,0), c(1,0,0,0,0,0)), penalized.compliance.cum.sum = c(c(1,1,2,2,3,3), c(1,1,2,2,1,1), c(1,1,0,0,-1,-1)))
...which gives the following:
year person.id needs.testing test.compliance penalized.compliance.cum.sum
1 1990 A Yes 1 1
2 1991 A No 0 1
3 1992 A Yes 1 2
4 1993 A No 0 2
5 1994 A Yes 1 3
6 1995 A No 0 3
7 1990 B Yes 1 1
8 1991 B No 0 1
9 1992 B Yes 1 2
10 1993 B No 0 2
11 1994 B Yes 0 1
12 1995 B No 0 1
13 1990 C Yes 1 1
14 1991 C No 0 1
15 1992 C Yes 0 0
16 1993 C No 0 0
17 1994 C Yes 0 -1
18 1995 C No 0 -1
As it is evident, "A" fully complied. "B" somewhat complied (in year 1994 he's supposed to get tested, but he missed the test, and consequently his cumulative sum gets deducted from 2 to 1). Finally, "C" complies just once (in year 1990, and every time she needs to get tested, she misses the test).
What I need is some code to get the "penalized.compliance.cum.sum" variable.
Please note:
Using case_when
df1 %>%
group_by(person.id) %>%
mutate(res = cumsum(case_when(needs.testing == "Yes" ~ 1- 2 *(test.compliance < 1), TRUE ~ 0)))