I have a rSpec Controller test which fails
the index route will have an :id
which does not exist in an index route.
I've clean routes:
resources :products
This is the controller,
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_product, only: [:show]
skip_before_action :authorize_request, only: [:show, :index]
# GET /products
def index
# params here {"controller"=>"products", "action"=>"index", "product"=>{}}
@products = Product.all
render json: @products
ActionController::UrlGenerationError: No route matches {
missing required keys: [:id]
Why is "show" called? I did not passed any params to the controller: This is the spec:
RSpec.describe "/products", type: :request do
describe " GET /index" do
it " renders a successful response " do
Fabricate.times(3, :product)
get "/products", headers: valid_headers
expect(response).to be_successful
When I change the routes from get "/products", to: 'products#index'
and comment out resources :products
then it passes the test
I use include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
in my Product model, which caused this issue. I need it to generate URLs to retrieve my attachments. How else can I get the URLs of ActiveStorage
I solved the problem: I had include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
in my Product model which caused the problem:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
# include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
commented out, all specs are passing now
But I still don't understand why I can't use it in my Model.
I wanna have it included to retrieve urls of my attachments:
def main_image_thumb_url
rails_blob_url(main_image, host: "localhost:3000")