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Query count base on date groupBy Type - Laravel

My goal is to construct this data.

enter image description here


It works now, but it did so many queries to get what I need.

enter image description here

I've tried

$logs = BabyLog::where('babyId',$baby->id)->get();
$graphData = [];
foreach($logs as $i => $log){

    if(strtotime($log->updated_at) < strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))){

        $logTime = strtotime($log->updated_at);
        $logDate = date('Y-m-d', $logTime );

        $logsOnThatDay = BabyLog::whereDate('updated_at', '=', $logDate)->where('babyId',$baby->id)->get();
        // dd($logsOnThatDay,$logDate);

        $pee      = 0;
        $poop     = 0;
        $feed     = 0;
        $medicine = 0;
        $sleep    = 0;

        foreach($logsOnThatDay as $j => $logOnThatDay){

                // dd($logOnThatDay);

            if($logOnThatDay->type == 'pee'){

            if($logOnThatDay->type == 'poop'){

            if($logOnThatDay->type == 'feed'){

            if($logOnThatDay->type == 'medicine'){

            if($logOnThatDay->type == 'sleep'){


        $graphData[$logDate]['pee']      = $pee;
        $graphData[$logDate]['poop']     = $poop;
        $graphData[$logDate]['feed']     = $feed;
        $graphData[$logDate]['medicine'] = $medicine;
        $graphData[$logDate]['sleep']    = $sleep;


    // dd($graphData);

I've tried to enhance it like this

$logs = BabyLog::whereDate('updated_at', '=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))
->whereIn('type', ['feed', 'pee', 'poop','medicine','sleep'])
->selectRaw('type, count(type) as count')

I'm kind of stuck now.

How do I optimize my query?


  • You can do a grouping on the PHP end:

    $logs = BabyLog->where('babyId',$baby->id)->get()->groupBy(function ($log) {
       return $log->updated_at->format('y-m-d');
    foreach($logs as $date => $logsOnThatDay) {
       // here on you can probably use the code you already have but this below might be shorter
       $graphData[$date] = $logsOnThatDay->reduce(function ($acc, $log) {
          if (array_key_exists($log->type, $acc)) { $acc[$log->type]++; }
           return $acc;
       }, [
          'pee' => 0,
          'poop' => 0,
          'feed' => 0,
          'medicine' => 0,
          'sleep' => 0,