I'm trying to develop a class library for use from Uno Platform applications that can be distributed as a NuGet package. In the code, I need to be able to extract various information about the device currently running the code. I already figured out how to get the screen dimensions but now I'm stuck in getting the current operating system and version. I have seen code like this:
#if __ANDROID__
os = "android";
#elif __IOS__
os = "ios";
But as I understand, this is not supported in class libraries. I have also experimented with the Uno port of Xamarin.Essentials
to use the DeviceInfo
class. I couldn't get this to work, though.
Any help would be appreciated.
I approach getting the OS info in a different manner. I grab the OS info using the following code:
public static string getOSVersion()
string osInfo = Windows.System.Profile.AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo.DeviceFamily.ToString();
int dotPosition = osInfo.IndexOf('.');
string shortOsInfo = osInfo.Substring(0, dotPosition);
return shortOsInfo + " " + Windows.System.Profile.AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo.DeviceFamilyVersion.ToString();
If you are on Android- it will return Android 11, on IOS it will return iOS 14.4(Keep in mind the version number will probably be different- just using it for example purposes). I have not run this on WASM, UWP, Linux, or MacOS- but it should work. Hopefully this will be helpful to you!