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calling perfectly forwarded lambda

I have the following class which stores a perfectly forwarded reference to a function:

template <class F> 
class Visitor
    Visitor(F &&f) : _f(std::forward<F>(f)) 

    xt::LOOP_CONTROL OnElem(xvi::Elem &elem)
        return _f(elem);

        // or should it be: 
        // return std::forward<F>(_f)(elem);

    F &&_f;

Wondering if it makes a difference to call _f(elem) or std::forward<F>(_f)(elem);?


  • Lambda cannot have ref qualified operator () currently, so for them, both forms are equivalent.

    For custom functor, it might differ with std::forward<F>(_f)(elem);:

    struct MyFunctor
        xt::LOOP_CONTROL operator()(xvi::Elem &elem) &  { std::cout << "lvalue"; return {};}
        xt::LOOP_CONTROL operator()(xvi::Elem &elem) && { std::cout << "rvalue"; return {};}
    xvi::Elem elem;
    Visitor<MyFunctor>(MyFunctor{}).OnElem(elem); // rvalue
    MyFunctor func;
    Visitor<MyFunctor&>(func).OnElem(elem); // lvalue