I have a SharePoint Online Modern Team site of which the default language is set to Dutch. When I use the Microsoft Graph Explorer to retrieve a document library and related columns all display values are in the English language. Is it possible to get the localized values via MS Graph?
Thanks in advance.
Regards Gijs Stoeldraaijers
Sadly it's not possible to get the localized column names using the new HeaderOption("Accept-Language", "nl-NL")
code as described here.
According to this question and answer this feature is not yet (2021 March) implemented.
So the only option for now is to use CSOM to get this information.
I did create a User-Voice request here https://microsoftgraph.uservoice.com/forums/920506-microsoft-graph-feature-requests/suggestions/42889503-return-localized-column-names-from-a-sharepoint-li to enable localized column names using the Microsoft Graph.