I'd like to display ECG signals. My data array: [ [time,value], [time2, value2] etc... ], but it's not the array that the essential. The problem is that I cannot access my data array in setInterval, so my chart options:
this.chartOptions = {
series: [
type: 'line',
data: this.data,
chart: {
events: {
load: function () {
var series = this.series[0];
setInterval(function () {
this.data.push(this.addMoreData()); //push new [time,value]
const time = this.data[this.data.length - 1][0]; // get new time
const value = this.data[this.data.length - 1][1]; // get new value
var x = time,
y = value;
series.addPoint([x, y], true, true);
}, 1000);
I got this error: 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined' because cannot access the data array. But if I change function () {} to () => {} and in this case also change this.series[0] to this.chartOptions.series[0]:
chart: {
events: {
load: () => { // change
var series = this.chartOptions.series[0]; // change
setInterval( () => { // change
this.data.push(this.addMoreData()); //push new [time,value]
const time = this.data[this.data.length - 1][0]; // get new time
const value = this.data[this.data.length - 1][1]; // get new value
var x = time,
y = value;
series.addPoint([x, y], true, true);
}, 1000);
In this case I access the array but error: TypeError: series.addPoint is not a function. So how can I update my series? Here is my full code: https://stackblitz.com/edit/highcharts-ecg
You can use IIFE to store a reference to a component in a higher scope and use 'double' context in a returned function.
events: {
load: (function(component){
return function(){
console.log(this, component); // chart, component
Live demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/highcharts-ecg-pqkkb9