I can't seem to understand why my theme colours are not being picked up by Android Compose Text (compose 1.0.0-beta01 & beta02)
setContent {
MyTheme {
"hello world!",
// color = androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color.Red, // this works
color = MyTheme.colors.colorPrimary, // this doesn't work
style = MyTheme.typography.label, // this works
My theme is copied from here https://github.com/android/compose-samples/blob/92f2f16e4e63fa0e4418f660dde9e9558674cee5/Jetsnack/app/src/main/java/com/example/jetsnack/ui/theme/Theme.kt
Here is the code
private val LightColorPalette = MyColors(
colorPrimary = DodgerBlue,
colorOnPrimary = White,
isDark = false
private val DarkColorPalette = MyColors(
colorPrimary = DodgerBlue,
colorOnPrimary = White,
isDark = true
fun MyTheme(
darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
val customColours = if (darkTheme) DarkColorPalette else LightColorPalette
val typography = MyTypography(
h1 = TextStyle(
fontFamily = circularXxFontFamily,
fontWeight = FontWeight.W300,
fontSize = 24.sp,
color = customColours.colorOnSurface,
lineHeight = 30.sp,
label = TextStyle(
fontFamily = xxxxFontFamily,
fontWeight = FontWeight.W300,
fontSize = 12.sp,
color = customColours.colorOnSurface,
lineHeight = 15.sp,
ProvideMyTheme(customColours, typography) {
colors = mapBasicColors(customColours, darkTheme),
typography = Typography(),
shapes = Shapes(),
content = content
object MyTheme {
val colors: MyColors
get() = LocalMyColors.current
val typography: MyTypography
get() = LocalMyStyle.current
class MyColors(
colorPrimary: Color,
colorOnPrimary: Color,
isDark: Boolean
) {
var colorPrimary by mutableStateOf(colorPrimary)
private set
var colorOnPrimary by mutableStateOf(colorOnPrimary)
private set
var isDark by mutableStateOf(isDark)
private set
fun update(other: MyColors) {
colorPrimary = other.colorPrimary
colorOnPrimary = other.colorOnPrimary
isDark = other.isDark
fun ProvideMyTheme(
colors: MyColors,
typography: MyTypography,
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
val colorPalette = remember { colors }
val myTypography = remember { typography }
LocalMyColors provides colorPalette,
LocalMyStyle provides myTypography,
content = content)
private val LocalMyColors = staticCompositionLocalOf<MyColors> {
error("No ColorPalette provided")
private val LocalMyStyle = staticCompositionLocalOf<MyTypography> {
error("No Typography provided")
fun mapBasicColors(
colors: MyColors,
darkTheme: Boolean,
) = Colors(
primary = colors.colorPrimary,
primaryVariant = colors.colorPrimaryVariant,
secondary = colors.colorSecondary,
secondaryVariant = colors.colorSecondaryVariant,
background = colors.colorBackground,
surface = colors.colorSurface,
error = colors.colorError,
onPrimary = colors.colorOnPrimary,
onSecondary = colors.colorOnSecondary,
onBackground = colors.colorOnBackground,
onSurface = colors.colorOnSurface,
onError = colors.colorOnError,
isLight = !darkTheme
class MyTypography(
h1: TextStyle,
label: TextStyle,
) {
var h1 by mutableStateOf(h1)
private set
var label by mutableStateOf(label)
private set
The layout inspector clearly says the text is blue so why is it not drawn blue?
Well it was indeed a very stupid mistake
My colours were defined badly
val DodgerBlue = Color(0x4681F7)
instead of (notice the alpha part)
val DodgerBlue = Color(0xff4681F7)
The interesting part is the Layout editor was able to show the correct colour... smells like a bug to me!