For the following code in HP Time-Shared BASIC, I am wondering about line 2270:
2180 INPUT X
2190 IF X=1 THEN 2210
2200 LET X=2
2210 LET X=X+1
2220 IF X=3 THEN 2260
2230 IF B>39 THEN 2260
[irrelevant code lines removed for clarity]
2260 X1=X1*(-1)
2270 GOTO X OF 2290,2540,2720
Based on other examples in this code base, it seems GOTO [variable] OF [line1,line2,...] seems to be the equivalent of if X == 1 GOTO LINE 1; if X == 2, GOTO LINE 2, etc.
I found the relevant Wikipedia bit "Calculated flow-control via the GOTO/OF and GOSUB/OF statements" but I'd like more clarity.
Can anyone confirm?
Thankfully, the Wikipedia page has a link to all the original documentation:
This includes a full language reference:
Which says this about GOTO/OF on page 11-40
GO TO numeric expression OF statement number list
When the second form of the GO TO statement is used, the numeric expression is evaluated and rounded to an integer "n". Control then is transferred to the "nth" statement number in the statement number list, where statement number list is one or more statement numbers separated by commas. If there is no statement number corresponding to the value of the numeric expression, the GO TO statement is ignored and the statement following the GO TO statement is executed
That appears to confirm your guess