I need to push my changes to specific branch with username and password. So I found the following command to push directly with username and password.
$ cd demo //branch name
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Test commit"
$ git push --repo https://username:password@bitbucket.org/name/repo.git
Here I need to push my changes to demo
of the above url with username and password directly so that It will not ask me again. But as per the above command I found its not pushing to any particular branch. I need to commit my changes to that particular branch demo
which also present in remote.
cd demo
is not supposed to be a "branch name", just the name of the folder you have clone your repository.
git status
would give you the name of the currently checked out branch.git switch
would allow you to change branches.git branch -avv
would show you all local and remote tracking branchesA simple git push
would push by default the current branch (for instance 'main') to origin/main
, assuming it is already configured that way (a git clone would typically associate main to origin/main
If origin is not set, you can add it with:
git remote add origin https://username:password@bitbucket.org/name/repo.git
Although it is best to cache those credentials, using the helper configured locally: check the output of git config credential.helper
Once you are on the right branch my_branch
, the command would be:
git push -u origin my_branch