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FlatList inside a FlatList does not scroll


I am trying to render a screen where it will show various graphs and one or more tables. The screen needs to be scrollable.

I used a ScrollView for the parent scroll before but this was giving me a warning as it is not a good practice to include FlatLists inside a ScrollView due to performance reasons.

So I created this VirtualizedView which is a FlatList where all the components of my screen are rendered in the ListHeaderComponent.

Unfortunately this causes my child FlatList to not be scrollable.

I have tried many things, including setting a maxHeight, flexGrow etc. without much luck.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you


  • I was able to fix this problem.

    The trick is to wrap the List inside a ScrollView component and wrap the whole screen component inside the VirtualizedVIew component I shared in the snack.

    This is what my LogsScreen.jsx file looks like:

    import { VirtualizedView } from "../components";
    return (
    Inside VirtualizedView.jsx:
    import React from 'react';
    import { FlatList, View } from 'react-native';
    export default function VirtualizedView(props) {
      return (
          keyExtractor={() => "dummy"}
          ListHeaderComponent={() => (
          ListFooterComponent={<View style={{height: 20}}/>}