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Vim not highlighting syntax for bash scripts (msysgit version)

I'm using the bash and vim that come with msysgit. I've added the .vimrc file to my home folder and most of the commands there are executing. But syntax on is not.

This is the contents of my ~/.vimrc file:

set cul
hi CursorLine cterm=none ctermbg=darkgray ctermfg=white
syntax on

The current line and highlighting is now working, but the syntax on is failing. Msysgit installs it's own vim and in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\share\vim\vim73\syntax folder, it does not contain a bash.vim or sh.vim file. Other files are in there like conf.vim, gitcommit.vim and gitrebase.vim - even c.vim.

I'm guessing this is why there is no highlighting. Given that I can't touch that folder (don't ask), how can I change my .vimrc file to load up a bash.vim file - and what's a good place to get one?

Any help is appreciated.


    1. search and download sh.vim via google or anything else you prefer to.
    2. move sh.vim to $HOME/vimfiles/syntax/ directory, then when you open a shell script it'll take effect for that.