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React Native Expo Location Permission throwing Location Provider warning

I'm trying to create a react native app using expo.
My app needs user permission to get the current location.
I have a functional component that has useEffect() hook to get permission asynchronously.
Code below.

const [location, setLocation] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
        (async () => {
            let permissionStatus = null;
            if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
                let {status} = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.LOCATION);
                permissionStatus = status;
            } else {
                let {status} = await ExpoLocation.requestPermissionsAsync();
                permissionStatus = status;
            if (permissionStatus !== 'granted') {
            let location = await ExpoLocation.getCurrentPositionAsync({});
    }, []);

It sometimes works without any flaws but some other times throws this warning:
Unhandled promise rejection: Error: Location provider is unavailable. Make sure that location services are enabled. The app shows the permission request dialog and after agreeing it turns on the location services in the phone but still throws this warning/error.
After a thorough research on this website and some other I have added ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to my config and experimented with some other values, but at the end I still faced this problem often.
It is worth to mention, with all the permutations of the configs the code works perfectly and sometimes throws this error/warning for the same config.
I'm using Expo SDK 40 and expo-location package version is ~10.0.0 and testing on Android 10 phone using Expo Go client app.
I would appreciate any insights or advices on how to solve this problem.
Feel free to ask for any clarifications.


  • This issue feels similar to one I researched within the past year. In my code, I ended up adding enableHighAccuracy too which I think helped. But the fact that it's an Unhandled Promise Rejection suggests that you should add a try/catch at least to gracefully handle if it breaks for any reason.

    gpsLocationFromDevice = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync({ enableHighAccuracy: true });