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SQlite connection closes itself before execution

I encountered a strange issue and I can't seem to be able to find an answer to...

I have a piece of code that Inserts data into the SQlite DB using transactions and parameters. It's taking values from passed list of object List<T>. There are 74 parameters in total... My code looks like this


            using (SqliteTransaction transaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction())
                foreach (CardScryfall _card in _cards)
                    SqliteCommand com = dbConnection.CreateCommand();
                    com.CommandText = sql;
                    com.Parameters.Add("@dbid", SqliteType.Integer); //Mandatory
                                                                     //Assign values to Parameters
                    com.Parameters[0].Value = GetNextDBID();
                    //Assign card properties to parameters
                    com.Parameters.Add("@objectName", SqliteType.Text);
                    com.Parameters[com.Parameters.IndexOf("@objectName")].Value = _card.objectName;
                    //Next 72 parameters are created the same way.

                    //Replace NULL with DBNull.Value
                    foreach (SqliteParameter par in com.Parameters)
                        if (par.Value == null)
                            par.Value = DBNull.Value;

                    //Execute query

Now... When I remove the using transaction section the code works fine it's just tremendously slow... So I added wanted to wrap it into one transaction so boost the performance.

The problem now is somewhere in the middle of adding parameters (different every time I step through the code) the dbconnection.State changes from open to close so when the code reaches to com.Prepare() for first insert and I get error that connection is closed... I have 10k+ records to insert

I tried setting the dbConnection.DefaultTimeout = 0 but that didn't help...

Can you help???



I found my issue... Function GetNextDBID() is retrieving the last recordID which opens and CLOSES the DBconnection... So I changed the code around and now it works fine


  • No need to create a command in a loop. You should create it once and then only assign new values to the parameters.

    Similarly, you don't need to commit a transaction at each iteration of the loop. Do this once at the end.

    using (var dbConnection = new SqliteConnection(_connectionString))
        using (SqliteTransaction transaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction())
        using (SqliteCommand com = dbConnection.CreateCommand())
            com.CommandText = sql;
            com.Parameters.Add("@dbid", SqliteType.Integer);
            com.Parameters.Add("@objectName", SqliteType.Text);
            // ...
            foreach (CardScryfall _card in _cards)
                com.Parameters["@dbid"].Value = GetNextDBID();
                com.Parameters["@objectName"].Value = (object)_card.objectName ?? DBNull.Value;
                // ...
                _ = com.ExecuteNonQuery();