I have a private symbol server where symbols are located. I have symbol file test.pdb and corresponding dll test.dll. The symbol file should match. The location where symbol file is located is in a folder say AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. When I run a third party library that indexes symbols it correctly creates AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and places test.pdb inside it. But VS 2015 is not able to find and load this symbol. It is giving error "Cannot find or open the PDB file"
In forder to verify that the third party library created the correct folder and indexed symbols correctly I verified the folder name by indexing with Windows provided symstore.exe, the same folder AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is created and the test.pdb is inside it. Somehow Visual Studio is able to load symbols from here.
Could some one suggest what must be going wrong? All other symbols indexed via third party library is correctly found by VS 2015. This is one of the symbol which is not.
I had to restart VS and it was able to locate the symbols on its own.