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Is there a shortcut for a comment followed by a line of hyphens in visual studio?

I would like to find an shortcut that does something like this:

// like above and beneath


  • [ For VS Code: ]

    Reworking the snippet from, try this:

    "Custom Comment": {
        "prefix": ["cc2"],
        "body": [
            "// $1",

    custom comment demo

    You can bind that to a shortcut too:

      "key": "ctrl+alt+r",
      "command":  "editor.action.insertSnippet",
      "args": {
        "name": "Custom Comment"
      "when": "editorTextFocus"

    If you already have the comment line and then later would like to wrap it as you showed, select the comment line first and then use this snippet:

    "Custom Comment": {
        "prefix": ["cc2"],
        "body": [

    custom comment2 demo