It's my pipe:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
name: 'transformFullName'
export class TransformFullNamePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string, ...args: unknown[]): string {
let fullName: string[] = value.split(' ');
if (fullName[0].length + fullName[1].length > 41) {
return fullName[0].charAt(0) + '. ' + fullName[1].charAt(0) + '.';
return fullName[0] + ' ' + fullName[1];
I get on consoles:
(2) ["male", "male"]
0: "male"
1: "male"
length: 2
__proto__: Array(0)
and one error: core.js:6157 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'charAt' of undefined at TransformFullNamePipe.transform (transform-full-name.pipe.ts:11). Why?
There is pipe in Angular - titlecase
{{'tHIs is mIXeD CaSe' | titlecase}}
<!-- output is expected to be "This Is Mixed Case" -->
I think this is what you tried to do:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
name: 'transformFullName'
export class TransformFullNamePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string {
const fullName: string[] = value.trim().split(' ');
fullName[0] = fullName[0].charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase();
fullName[1] = fullName[1].charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase();
if (fullName[0].length + fullName[1].length > 41) {
return fullName[0].charAt(0) + '. ' + fullName[1].charAt(0) + '.';
return fullName[0] + ' ' + fullName[1];